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Đánh giá Softonic

اهم الجمل والعبارات الانجليزية

اهم الجمل والعبارات الانجليزية is an Android application developed by CONTIGOO LTD. It is a free educational and reference program that aims to help users learn and practice English phrases and sentences. The app is available offline and has a small file size of only 8 MB.

One of the main features of اهم الجمل والعبارات الانجليزية is its audio pronunciation for each sentence. This allows users to listen and learn the correct pronunciation of the phrases. The app offers over 75 categories of phrases and sentences, covering various fields and situations. With more than 1000 sentences and phrases in total, users can find expressions for all kinds of scenarios and topics.

Some of the available categories in the app include greetings and farewells, informal ways to say yes and no, asking how someone is, expressing gratitude, apologizing, responding to apologies, introductions, showing interest, ending a conversation politely, phone call phrases, requesting information, expressing uncertainty, seeking opinions, and much more.

اهم الجمل والعبارات الانجليزية is a comprehensive language learning tool that provides users with a wide range of useful English phrases and sentences. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, this app can be a valuable resource for improving your English language skills.

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